The Games Machine 76
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones.exe
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Text File
1,026 lines
# Jones 3D Cog Script
# 13_NUB_Cinematic_End.cog
# Indy loses the machine parts to Turner
# [HB] [GGJ] All changes by GGJ include initials.
# (C) 1999 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. All Rights Reserved
# ==============================================================================
# .................................. MESSAGES ..................................
message startup
message entered
message callback
message pulse
# .................................. KEYFRAMES .................................
keyframe in_armsCrossed=0in_stand2.key local
keyframe in_handsONhips=0in_stand4.key local
keyframe in_crossArms=0in_stand1_bd_2.key local
keyframe in_handsTOhips=0in_stand1_bd_4.key local
keyframe in_botharmsup=0in_armsup_1_1.key local
keyframe in_think=0in_thinking_4_4.key local
keyframe in_stand7=0in_stand7.key local
keyframe in_stand8=0in_stand8.key local
keyframe in_stand9=0in_stand9.key local
keyframe in_7_bd_8=0in_stand7_bd_8.key local
keyframe in_8_bd_7=0in_stand8_bd_7.key local
keyframe in_8_bd_9=0in_stand8_bd_9.key local
keyframe in_turnRT=0in_turnright_9_1.key local
keyframe in_pushhat9=0in_figithat_9_9.key local
keyframe in_handoverparts=0in_givepart_8_8.key local
keyframe in_climbladder=0in_climblad.key local
keyframe in_pullimps=0in_key_pull_1_hold.key local
keyframe so_crouch=0so_stand7.key local
keyframe so_crawl=0so_crawl_bd_7.key local
keyframe so_creach=0so_reach_7.key local
keyframe so_dropladder=0so_droplad_7_2.key local
keyframe tu_crouch=0tu_stand4.key local
keyframe tu_crouchdown=0tu_stand3_bd_4.key local
keyframe tu_creach=0tu_righthnd_4_4.key local
keyframe tu_takeparts=0tu_stand4_bd_5.key local
keyframe tu_standup=0tu_stand4_bd_3.key local
keyframe vo_armsATback=vo_stand2_arms_back.key local
keyframe vo_armsATfold=vo_stand1_arms_front.key local
keyframe vo_cleanglasses=0vo_glasses_2_2.key local # mks@61&180/cb16
keyframe vo_leftup2=0vo_leftup_2_1.key local
keyframe vo_leftup3=0vo_leftup_3_3.key local
keyframe vo_bothup=0vo_bothup_3_3.key local
keyframe vo_GunPull=0vo_gun_pull.key local
keyframe vo_stand4=0vo_stand4.key local
keyframe vo_damarduk=0vo_damardukhimself_3_2.key local
keyframe vo_Gangster=0vo_friendgangster_4_4.key local
keyframe vo_GunPut=0vo_gun_put.key local # mk@19x/cb16
keyframe vo_iKnow=0vo_andiknow_3.key local
keyframe vo_SSSR=0vo_socialistrepublic_3_4.key local
keyframe ldr_folded=0lad_sitedge.key local
keyframe ldr_fall=0lad_drop1.key local
# .................................. MODELS ....................................
model mod_in_imps=hand_in_impbundle.3do local
model mod_tu_imps=hand_tu_impbundle.3do local
model mod_vo_gun=weap_tokarev.3do local
model mod_vo_holster=holster_vo_notok.3do local
model mod_vo_head=head_vo_noglasses.3do local
model mod_vo_glasses=hand_vo_glasses.3do local
# .................................. SOUNDS ....................................
sound in_ow=Inxj017a.wav local
# sound in_oww=Inxj017g.wav local
# sound in_unnh=Inxj018a.wav local
sound so_indyisyou=Nb09s01.wav local
sound in_moreless=Nb09j02.wav local
sound so_allright=Nb09s03.wav local
sound in_hurtlive=Nb09j04.wav local
sound so_ogood=Nb09s05.wav local
sound so_handparts=Nb09s06.wav local
sound so_indy=Nb09s07.wav local
sound in_whoswe=Nb09j08.wav local
sound tu_comejones=Nb09t09.wav local
sound in_idunno=Nb09j10.wav local
sound tu_lovecountry=Nb09t11.wav local
sound vo_notrustam=Nb09v12.wav local
sound vo_incccpname=Nb09v13.wav local
sound tu_giveparts=Nb09t14.wav local
sound vo_partsafeme=Nb09v15.wav local
sound in_whatchoice=Nb09j16.wav local
sound so_sorryindy=Nb09s17a.wav local #GGJ added "a"
sound so_andthanx=Nb09s17b.wav local
sound vo_drooglives=Nb09v18.wav local
sound in_cheersmeup=Nb09j19.wav local
sound vo_babelturmoil=Nb09v20.wav local
sound in_yammer=Nb09j21.wav local
sound vo_mardukrevenge=Nb09v22.wav local
sound vo_luckyprofs=Nb09v23.wav local
sound vo_tootimid=Nb09v24.wav local
sound vo_backtobooks=Nb09v25.wav local
sound slabRumbleSnd=pru_boulder_rolling_c.wav local #GGJ
sound slabStartSnd=nub_stonedoor_start_c.wav local #GGJ
sound slabStopSnd=pru_trapblock_stuck_c.wav local #GGJ
sound ladderDropSnd=vol_ropeladder_throw.wav local #GGJ
sound partMus=mus_nub_turnerparts.wav local #GGJ
sound windSnd=gen_wind07.wav local #GGJ
sound bagSnd=gen_bazooka_pull.wav local #GGJ
# ............................... ACTOR THINGS .................................
thing player local
thing indy linkid=0
thing sophia
thing turner
thing volod
# .............................. OBJECT THINGS .................................
thing trapdoor_1 #GGJ-removed nolink
thing trapdoor_2 #GGJ-removed nolink
thing lightshaft nolink
thing ladder nolink
thing dynaLight #GGJ
thing dynaLight1 #GGJ
thing dynaLight2 #GGJ
# .............................. CAMERA THINGS .................................
thing cam_1 nolink
thing cam_2 nolink
thing cam_3 nolink
thing cam_4 nolink
thing cam_5 nolink
thing cam_6 nolink
thing cam_7 nolink
thing cam_8 nolink
thing cam_9 nolink
thing cam_10a nolink
thing cam_10b nolink
thing cam_10c nolink
thing cam_11 nolink
thing cam_12 nolink
thing ct_1 nolink
thing ct_2 nolink
thing ct_3 nolink
thing ct_4 nolink
thing ct_5a nolink
thing ct_5b nolink
thing ct_5c nolink
thing ct_5d nolink
thing ct_6 nolink
thing ct_7 nolink
thing ct_8 nolink
thing ct_9 nolink
thing ct_10 nolink
thing ct_11 nolink
thing ct_12 nolink
thing ct_13a nolink
thing ct_13b nolink
thing ct_14 nolink
thing ct_15 nolink
thing ct_16 nolink
thing ct_17 nolink
thing ct_18 nolink
# .............................. TARGET THINGS .................................
thing in_mk_1 nolink
thing in_mk_2 nolink
thing in_mk_3 nolink
thing in_mk_4 nolink
# thing in_mk_5 nolink
# thing in_mk_6 nolink
thing in_mk_7 nolink
# thing so_mk_1 nolink
thing tu_mk_1 nolink
thing vo_mk_1 nolink
thing vo_mk_2 nolink
# ............................... VAR THINGS ...................................
# thing indyCamTarget local # created on fly
# thing kidCamTarget local # created on fly
# thing whichcam local # var
# thing entercam local # var
# thing looker local # var
# thing lookee local # var
thing fadeplate #GGJ
# ........................ OTHER ENGINE REFERENCES .............................
#cog endcog # Removed GGJ
surface startface
# ............................... VARIABLES ....................................
vector posOffset local
vector angOffset local
vector v_tpos local
vector v_ipos local
vector v_aim local
flex f_X local
flex f_Y local
flex in_rotRate local
flex rumbleVol=0.35 local #GGJ increased from .2 to .35 per DaveL
int rumbleTrack local #GGJ
int windTrack local #GGJ
int cutSceneState=0 local # overall state var
int in_collType local
int in_keyTrack1 local
int in_keyTrack2 local
int so_keyTrack1 local
int tu_keyTrack1 local
int tu_keyTrack2 local
int vo_keyTrack1 local
int vo_keyTrack2 local
int vo_gunTrack local
int ldr_keyTrack1 local
int in_swapItem1 local
int tu_swapItem1 local
int vo_swapItem1 local
int vo_swapItem2 local
int swapevent=0 local
int curSound local
int curCam local
int vibe local
int imp_1=14 local # inventory define
int imp_2=15 local # inventory define
int imp_3=16 local # inventory define
int imp_4=17 local # inventory define
# ==============================================================================
# ..............................................................................
# Pointer to Player...
player = GetLocalPlayerThing();
# Prep actors...
curCam = GetCurrentCamera();
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(sophia, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(turner, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(volod, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(ladder, 0x80000);
in_rotRate = GetThingMaxRotVel(indy);
in_collType = GetCollideType(indy);
# Prep set...
ClearThingFlags(lightshaft, 0x80000);
SetThingAlpha(lightshaft, 0.0);
SetCollideType(lightshaft, 0);
SetThingFlags(lightshaft, 0x80000);
SetCollideType(trapdoor_1, 0);
SetCollideType(trapdoor_2, 0);
SetThingAlpha(fadeplate, 0.0);
SetCollideType(fadePlate, 0); #GGJ
# ..............................................................................
if (cutSceneState != 0)
# Prep...
ResetCameraFOV(0, 0.0);
cutSceneState = 1;
curCam = GetCurrentCamera();
in_collType = GetCollideType(indy);
StartCutScene(1); # health meter should fade
SetActorFlags(player, 0x200000);
CopyPlayerHolsters(player, indy);
# Sleep(1.5); # wait for indy to stand up
SetThingflags(player, 0x80000);
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x80000);
TeleportThing(indy, in_mk_1);
# Cut to Indy standing up into exit room...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # no p & t
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # no dolly
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_1);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_1);
SetCameraFOV(85, 0, 0.0);
# Prep Sophia...
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(sophia, 0x10);
so_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(sophia, so_crouch, 2, 0x10, 0);
# Track Indy walking to dais...
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 4.02);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_2);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_2);
SetCameraFOV(45, 1, 5.81);
AISetMoveSpeed(indy, 1.0);
AISetLookThing(indy, in_mk_2);
AISetMoveThing(indy, in_mk_2, 0);
# TO DO: rumble rumble...
rumbleTrack = PlaySoundThing(slabRumbleSnd, trapdoor_2, rumbleVol, -1.0, -1.0, 0x1); #GGJ
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 1.3);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_3);
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_stand8, 2, 0x10, 0);
# Prep the ladder...
ClearThingFlags(ladder, 0x80000);
ldr_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(ladder, ldr_folded, 2, 0x10, 0);
# Trapdoors fall open...
Rotate(trapdoor_1, 20, 0, 0.4);
Rotate(trapdoor_2, -20, 0, 0.4);
# Light floods into the chamber...
ClearThingFlags(lightshaft, 0x80000);
ThingFadeAnim(lightshaft, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0);
PlaySoundThing(slabStartSnd, trapdoor_2, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x0); #GGJ
Rotate(trapdoor_1, 30, 0, 0.3);
Rotate(trapdoor_2, -30, 0, 0.3);
PlaySoundThing(SlabStopSnd, trapdoor_2, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x0); #GGJ
Rotate(trapdoor_1, 42, 0, 0.1);
Rotate(trapdoor_2, -42, 0, 0.1);
StopSound(rumbleTrack, 0.0); #GGJ
windTrack = PlaySoundThing(windSnd, lightshaft, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x1); #GGJ
Sleep(0.3); # take a beat
# Cut to Indy wincing...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # no p & t
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # no dolly
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_3);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_4);
SetCameraFOV(40, 0, 0.0);
SetThingLight(dynaLight, VectorSet(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.2, 0.01); #GGJ
SetThingLight(dynaLight1, VectorSet(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.2, 0.01); #GGJ
SetThingLight(dynaLight2, VectorSet(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.2, 0.01); #GGJ
# Indy groans...
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_ow, 1.0, 0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0);
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_stand7, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_8_bd_7, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Zoom in quick...
SetCameraFOV(20, 1, 1.0);
# Cut to Sophia over Indy's shoulder...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_4);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_5a);
SetCameraFOV(50, 0, 0.0);
# Sophia moves into view looking over rim of trapdoor...
PlayKey(sophia, so_crawl, 4, 0x12, 0);
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x10);
# Sophia: "Indy, is that you?"
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so_indyisyou, 1.0, 0);
# Indy: "More or less."
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_moreless, 1.0, 0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0);
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_stand8, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_7_bd_8, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Sophia: "Are you all right?"
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so_allright, 1.0, 0);
# Indy: "I am one hurting archaeologist, but I'll live."
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_hurtlive, 1.0, 0);
in_keyTrack2 = PlayKey(indy, in_botharmsup, 4, 0x12, 0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack2, 0.5); # fade head tilting up back in
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 3.0);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 1);
# Sophia: "Oh good. I was worried."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so_ogood, 1.0, 0);
# Push in on Sophia...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_5);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_5b);
SetCameraFOV(30, 1, 3.0);
ThingFadeAnim(lightshaft, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0); # penetrate light well softly
# Sophia: "Hand up those parts...get you out of there."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so_handparts, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_creach, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cut to Indy...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_6);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_6);
SetCameraFOV(55, 0, 0.0);
Sleep(1.0); # a long beat
# Sophia Voice: "Indy?"
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so_indy, 1.0, 0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0);
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_stand9, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_8_bd_9, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Indy: "Who's we?"
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_whoswe, 1.0, 0);
# Cut to Turner and Sophia over Indy's shoulder...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_7);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_7);
SetCameraFOV(45, 0, 0.0);
# TO DO: Turner moves into view at rim of trapdoor...
ClearThingFlags(turner, 0x80000);
tu_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(turner, tu_crouch, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(turner, tu_crouchdown, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Turner: "Come on, Jones. We need those parts."
curSound = PlayVoice(turner, tu_comejones, 1.0, 0);
# Cut to closer shot of Turner...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_8);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_8);
SetCameraFOV(35, 0, 0.0);
# Turner: "Don't you love your country? In the name of USA..."
curSound = PlayVoice(turner, tu_lovecountry, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(turner, tu_creach, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cheat Indy to new mark offscreen...
TeleportThing(indy, in_mk_3);
# Cut to uncertain Indy...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_9);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_9);
SetCameraFOV(55, 0, 0.0);
# Indy: "I dunno..."
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_idunno, 1.0, 0);
in_keyTrack2 = PlayKey(indy, in_pushhat9, 4, 0x12, 0); #GGJ added track
# Volodnikov Voice: "Don't trust your fellow Americans..."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_notrustam, 1.0, 0);
# Volodnikov enters...
ClearThingFlags(volod, 0x80000);
ClearActorFlags(volod, 0x1000000); # don't issue damage to indy
TeleportThing(volod, vo_mk_1);
# RT: Remove gun from holster & put it in Volodnikov's hand
vo_swapItem1 = SetThingMesh(volod, 8, mod_vo_gun, 0);
vo_swapItem2 = SetThingMesh(volod, 19, mod_vo_holster, 0);
# RT: Start the gun pull animation
vo_gunTrack = PlayKeyEx(volod, vo_GunPull, 0, 8, 0x14, 0);
# Indy turns...
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack2, 0.0); #GGJ added
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_turnRT, 6, 0x14, 0);
# Pan over to Dr. V...
MoveToFrame(ct_9, 1, 4.3); # m/sec
SetCameraFOV(45, 1, 0.5);
# Walk Volodnikov to Indy...
AISetMoveSpeed(volod, 1.1);
AISetLookThing(volod, indy);
AISetMoveThing(volod, vo_mk_2, 0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0); # end anim turn
# Aim Indy...
v_tpos = GetThingPos(volod);
v_ipos = GetThingPos(indy);
v_aim = VectorNorm(VectorSub(v_tpos, v_ipos));
f_X = VectorX(v_aim);
f_Y = VectorY(v_aim);
v_aim = VectorSet(f_X, f_Y, 0.0); # remove Z
SetThingLook(indy, v_aim);
AttachThingToThing(ct_9, volod);
SetCameraFOV(55, 1, 2.0);
# Cut to single on Volodnikov...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_10a);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_10);
SetCameraFOV(50, 0, 0.0);
vo_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(volod, vo_stand4, 2, 0x10, 0);
# Volodnikov: "In the name of...CCCP..."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_incccpname, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(volod, vo_SSSR, 4, 0x12, 0); #GGJ added
# Cut to single on Turner...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_8);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_8);
SetCameraFOV(33, 0, 0.0);
# Turner: "Give me the parts, Jones! He's a Commie!"
curSound = PlayVoice(turner, tu_giveparts, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(turner, tu_creach, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cut back to Volodnikov:
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_10a);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_10);
SetCameraFOV(45, 0, 0.0);
# Volodnikov: "The parts...safer with me. Your friend is a gangster."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_partsafeme, 1.0, 0);
Sleep(0.5); #GGJ added
PlayKey(volod, vo_Gangster, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Pan to Indy...
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 2.0);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_10b);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_12);
SetCameraFOV(37, 1, 2.0);
SetThingMaxRotVel(indy, 200.0);
AISetLookThing(indy, in_mk_4);
# Indy: "What a choice!"
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_whatchoice, 1.0, 0); # 1.2s
# Indy displays parts bundle...
swapevent = 1; # see callback
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_pullimps, 4, 0x14, 0);
PlaySoundThing(bagSnd, indy, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x0); #GGJ
PlaySoundLocal(partMus, 1.0, 0.0, 0x0, 0); #GGJ
Sleep(0.3); # short beat
StopKey(volod, vo_keyTrack1, 0.5); #moved here from above GGJ
# Pan to take in Turner...
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 1.5);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_13a);
SetCameraFOV(20, 1, 2.0);
AISetLookThing(indy, turner);
in_keyTrack2 = PlayKey(indy, in_stand8, 2, 0x10, 0);
# Indy hands his hard-won treasures over to the US agent...
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack2, 0.0);
PlayKey(indy, in_handoverparts, 4, 0x12, 0);
swapevent = 2; # see callback
PlayKey(turner, tu_takeparts, 4, 0x12, 1);
# Scour IMP's from inventory...
ChangeInv(player, imp_1, -1.0);
ChangeInv(player, imp_2, -1.0);
ChangeInv(player, imp_3, -1.0);
ChangeInv(player, imp_4, -1.0);
# Turner stands...
SetThingFlags(sophia, 0x10); # don't see her in this shot
SetCollideType(ladder, 0);
StopKey(turner, tu_keyTrack1, 0.0);
tu_keyTrack2 = PlayKey(turner, tu_standup, 4, 0x12, 0); # 74x
# Tilt to hold Turner in frame...
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 2.2);
SetCameraFOV(28, 1, 2.2);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_13b);
StopKey(turner, tu_keyTrack2, 0.0); # cut off end of stand
SetThingMaxRotVel(turner, 400.0);
# Turner exits...
AISetLookThing(turner, tu_mk_1);
AISetMoveThing(turner, tu_mk_1, 0);
# Cut to Sophia...
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x10); # now see her
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # temporarily invisible
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_5);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_5b);
SetCameraFOV(35, 0, 0.0);
# Sophia: "Sorry, Indy..."
PlayVoice(sophia, so_sorryindy, 1.0, 1);
# She sweeps down a rope ladder...
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 1.5);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1);
StopKey(sophia, so_keyTrack1, 0.0);
so_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(sophia, so_dropladder, 4, 0x12, 0); # 77x
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_5c);
StopKey(ladder, ldr_keyTrack1, 0.0);
PlaySoundThing(ladderDropSnd, ladder, 1, -1.0, -1.0, 0x0); #GGJ
PlayKey(ladder, ldr_fall, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Camera tracks ladder fall...
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 1.0);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_5d);
SetCameraFOV(55, 1, 1.0);
# Align Indy offscreen...
AIEnableHeadTracking(indy, tu_mk_1);
AIEnableBodyTracking(indy, tu_mk_1);
# Sophia stands up...
StopKey(sophia, so_keyTrack1, 0.0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_dropladder, 4, 0x12, 0); # delayed stand, so start now
# Cut back to Sophia to catch actual stand action...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_5b);
SetCameraFOV(35, 0, 0.0);
# Sophia: "And... thanks!"
PlayVoice(sophia, so_andthanx, 1.0, 0);
# Prep V...
StopKey(volod, vo_gunTrack, 0.0);
vo_gunTrack = PlayKey(volod, vo_GunPull, 2, 0x14, 0);
# Sophia exits...
AISetLookThing(sophia, tu_mk_1);
AISetMoveThing(sophia, tu_mk_1, 0);
SetThingLight(dynaLight, VectorSet(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.2, 0.01); #GGJ Turn dynalight off
SetThingLight(dynaLight1, VectorSet(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.2, 0.01); #GGJ Turn dynalight off
SetThingLight(dynaLight2, VectorSet(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.2, 0.01); #GGJ Turn dynalight off
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # he's back
SetThingAlpha(lightshaft, 1.0); #was 1.0, changed to 0.8, then 0.9, then 1.0 again per Hal
# Cut to long shot of Indy and Dr. V...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_11);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_14);
SetCameraFOV(70, 0, 0.0);
# Volodnikov: "Perhaps it's best...your droogs...betrayal...cost them...lives."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_drooglives, 1.0, 0);
# Dolly in slowly...
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 26.0);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_12);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_15);
# Indy turns back toward Dr. V...
AIEnableHeadTracking(indy, volod);
AIEnableBodyTracking(indy, volod);
# RT: Put Volodya's gun away...
swapevent = 3; # see callback
StopKey(volod, vo_gunTrack, 0.0);
PlayKey(volod, vo_GunPut, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Indy: "Yeah, that cheers me up."
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_cheersmeup, 1.0, 0);
ThingFadeAnim(lightshaft, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0); # soft light
SetThingLight(dynaLight, VectorSet(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.2, 2.0); #GGJ
SetThingLight(dynaLight1, VectorSet(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.2, 2.0); #GGJ
SetThingLight(dynaLight2, VectorSet(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.2, 2.0); #GGJ
# Volodnikov: "Those ignorant fools...cause of all the...turmoil...waits..."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_babelturmoil, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(volod, vo_bothup, 4, 0x12, 1); # 52x
PlayKey(volod, vo_leftup3, 4, 0x12, 1);
PlayKey(volod, vo_iKnow, 4, 0x12, 0);
SetCameraFOV(22, 1, 6.0);
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_armsCrossed, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_crossArms, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Indy: "Who? What are you yammering about?"
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in_yammer, 1.0, 0);
# Cut to Volodnikov...
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_10a);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_11);
SetCameraFOV(60, 0, 0.0);
# Volodnikov: "Da! The Lord Marduk...will have his revenge..."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_mardukrevenge, 1.0, 0);
vo_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(volod, vo_armsATback, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(volod, vo_damarduk, 4, 0x12, 0);
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.5);
# Dr. V cleans his glasses...
swapevent = 4; # see callback
vo_keyTrack2 = PlayKey(volod, vo_cleanglasses, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Volodnikov: "Luckily, you and I...too wise to become...ensnared."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_luckyprofs, 1.0, 0); # 6 secs
# Cut to Indy getting disturbed...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_12);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_15);
SetCameraFOV(25, 1, 3.4);
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_handsONhips, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_handsTOhips, 4, 0x12, 1); # 26x (.87 seconds)
PlayKey(indy, in_think, 4, 0x12, 0);
PauseKey(volod, vo_keyTrack2); # hang on to his gesture!
# Randy... must we force V no-glass head...?
RestoreThingMesh(volod, vo_swapItem1);
vo_swapItem1 = SetThingMesh(volod, 2, mod_vo_head, 0);
# Another cut of Dr. V...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_10c);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_16);
SetCameraFOV(45, 0, 0.0);
# Prep Indy for exit while offscreen...
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # invisible again
TeleportThing(indy, in_mk_7); # prep for exit
# Dr. V puts his glasses back on...
swapevent = 5; # see callback
ResumeKey(volod, vo_keyTrack2);
# Volodnikov: "And too timid."
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_tootimid, 1.0, 0);
# Volodnikov: "Back home to our tea and books now, eh?"
curSound = PlayVoice(volod, vo_backtobooks, 1.0, 0);
StopKey(volod, vo_keyTrack1, 0.0);
vo_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(volod, vo_armsATfold, 2, 0x10, 0);
PlayKey(volod, vo_leftup2, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Ready Indy on ladder...
SetCollideType(indy, 0);
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x4000); # shadow off
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # visibility back on
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0);
in_keyTrack1 = PlayKey(indy, in_climbladder, 4, 0x12, 0);
PauseKey(indy, in_keyTrack1); # hold him in place
SetCollideType(volod, 0);
SetThingMaxHeadVel(volod, 100.0);
AIEnableHeadTracking(volod, indy);
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 1.0);
SetCameraLookInterp(2, 1);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 1);
# Pan to Indy...
SetCameraFocus(2, cam_10b);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_17);
SetCameraFOV(65, 1, 3.0);
# Indy exits...
ResumeKey(indy, in_keyTrack1); # now climb out
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 2.0);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, ct_18);
AISetMoveSpeed(indy, 3.2);
AISetLookThing(indy, tu_mk_1);
AISetMoveThing(indy, tu_mk_1, 0);
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x10);
Sleep(1.0); #2 second sleep reduced to 1 second. GGJ
ThingFadeAnim(fadePlate, 0, 1, 1.0, 0); #GGJ
StopSound(windTrack, 1.0); #GGJ
Sleep(2.0); #GGJ
# Clean-up...
StopKey(indy, in_keyTrack1, 0.0);
StopKey(volod, vo_keyTrack1, 0.0);
# TO DO: call endlevel cog...
EndCutScene(); # Added GGJ
JonesEndLevel(); # Added GGJ
# Restore control (TEMP!!!)...
# ClearThingFlags(player, 0x80000); # Removed GGJ
# SetCameraLookInterp(2, 0); # Removed GGJ
# SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # Removed GGJ
# SetCurrentCamera(curCam); # Removed GGJ
# ResetCameraFOV(0, 0.0); # Removed GGJ
# ClearActorFlags(player, 0x200000); # Removed GGJ
# EndCutScene(); # Removed GGJ
# ..............................................................................
if (swapevent == 1)
# Indy displays IMP's...
in_swapItem1 = SetThingMesh(indy, 15, mod_in_imps, 0);
swapevent = 0; # reset
else if (swapevent == 2)
# Empty Indy's hand...
RestoreThingMesh(indy, in_swapItem1);
# Turner takes IMPs...
tu_swapItem1 = SetThingMesh(turner, 5, mod_tu_imps, 0);
swapevent = 0; # reset
else if (swapevent == 3)
# RT: Return gun to holster...
RestoreThingMesh(volod, vo_swapItem1);
RestoreThingMesh(volod, vo_swapItem2);
swapevent = 0; # reset
else if (swapevent == 4)
# Volodnikov removes his glasses...
vo_swapItem1 = SetThingMesh(volod, 2, mod_vo_head, 0); # no glasses head
vo_swapItem2 = SetThingMesh(volod, 8, mod_vo_glasses, 0); # hand with glasses
# RT: Set up alternate heads
SetThingVoiceHeads(volod, "vohead", "head_vo_noglasses.3do", "head_vo_nospecs_asound.3do", "head_vo_nospecs_amsound.3do", "head_vo_nospecs_osound.3do");
swapevent = 0; # reset
else if (swapevent == 5)
# Volodnikov replaces his glasses...
RestoreThingMesh(volod, vo_swapItem1);
RestoreThingMesh(volod, vo_swapItem2);
# RT: Restore default heads
SetThingVoiceHeads(volod, "vohead", "head_vo_msound.3do", "head_vo_asound.3do", "head_vo_amsound.3do", "head_vo_osound.3do");
swapevent = 0; # reset
# ..............................................................................
rumbleVol = rumbleVol * 1.001;
ChangeSoundVol(rumbleTrack, rumbleVol, 0.1);
vibe = RandBetween(1, 4);
if (vibe == 1)
posOffset = '-0.005 0.00 -0.002';
angOffset = '0.00 -0.002 0.002';
if (vibe == 2)
posOffset = '0.005 -0.005 0.002';
angOffset = '0.002 0.00 -0.002';
if (vibe == 3)
posOffset = '0.002 0.005 -0.005';
angOffset = '-0.002 0.002 -0.002';
if (vibe == 4)
posOffset = '-0.002 0.00 0.005';
angOffset = '0.00 0.00 0.002';
SetPOVShake(posOffSet, angOffSet, 200.0, 200.0);